
CIASA will post a draft-schedule approximately 2 weeks prior to commencement of a regular season games (indoor/outdoor). Once the draft-schedule has been posted we ask all team managers to review the draft schedule and report any errors or conflicts or request to make important changes within 2 days. CIASA will try to accommodate the requested changes when possible. The updated final schedule will be posted shortly after on and a confirmation email will be sent to all team managers. Any late requests to reschedule/cancel a match, other than weather or field conditions, may incur referee and rescheduling fees. 


Any requests to reschedule a match after the final schedule has been posted must be made no less than 3 days prior to the scheduled match to avoid additional fees and team managers must follow this process: 

  • Involve the opponents’ team manager in all communications/requests. 
  • Home teams have the right to decline or approve the requested changes. 
  • Both teams must agree on an alternative date, time, and field location of the rescheduled match. 
  • Any extra fees associated with this game change (i.e. field costs) must be approved by CIASA and both team managers. 
  • Field & referee availability must also be approved. 
  • Once all the above has been met, then CIASA will change the schedule. 

A reschedule request completed less than 3 days from the scheduled match date will require a fee of $120 to be deducted from the team bond account to compensate the assigned referees for late notice and the ref assignor for reassigning the game.


Each team must field a minimum of 7 players to avoid a forfeit and the associated penalties. If a team cannot field at least 7 players within 15 minutes of the game's scheduled start time, then the game is a forfeit. The forfeiting team is responsible for all of the referee fees ($190/$210) which will be deducted from the team bond account and the game will be recorded as a 0-3 loss.

Cancellations Due to Weather or Other Field Issues

When a game is cancelled due to weather or field conditions, CIASA will reschedule the make-up game within 1 week. Any date/time/location conflicts will be worked out with the two team managers before final approval and scheduling. However, a game that completes at least the first half is considered a completed game and will not be rescheduled.

 ***Home games that have not been played by the end of the season for any legitimate reason such as weather conditions etc., team managers will be credited with the game field fee when possible and the credit will be added to their team Bond account.***