This organization shall be known as Central Indiana Amateur Soccer Association (hereinafter “CIASA”) and shall be affiliated with the Indiana Soccer Association, Inc. (hereinafter “ISA”), United States Adult Soccer Association (hereinafter “USASA”), the United States Soccer Federation (hereinafter “USSF”), and the Federation Internationale de Football Association (hereinafter “FIFA”). The league’s affiliation will be assessed as needed to determine the best benefits available. 


The purposes of the association are as follows: 

a.) CIASA shall develop, promote, foster and administer positive adult development and the sport of soccer on behalf of member clubs, teams, players, managers, referees and administrators consistent with the Bylaws, policies and procedures of CIASA.  

b.) To provide the framework within which the game of Soccer may be played for the benefit of its affiliated teams and players.  

c.) To operate and be a not for profit organization. 

d.) By its elected Board of Directors to do all things necessary for the governance and regulation of its affairs. 


CIASA shall be a sanctioned member of the Indiana Soccer Association through which it will be affiliated with the United States Adult Soccer Association, which is the official governing body of adult soccer in the United States. It shall recognize the authority, rulings and bylaws of these organizations. The league’s affiliation will be assessed as needed to determine the best benefits available. 


The principal office of CIASA shall be located in Central Indiana. The address of the resident agent or the nominated President of CIASA required by the Indiana Not-For-Profit Corporation Act of 1991 may be, but need not be, identical with the principal office of CIASA. The address of the principal office and the designation of the resident agent or nominated President may be changed from time to time as authorized by the Board of Directors. 


As a condition of membership in CIASA it is agreed that these Bylaws have been read, understood and accepted by the individual team managers and through them by their players. Participation in any League game shall be evidence that this condition has been complied with. 


CIASA shall not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, and national or ethnic origin. 


Section 7.1 – All Player Divisions All players must be a minimum of 18 years of age to participate in sanctioned CIASA League games. 

a.) All CIASA players must be officially registered through our designated platform and software GotSoccer (GotSport) or other software as selected by the president and the Executive Committee. Any unregistered players will not be considered as sanctioned players and will not be able to participate in any sanctioned CIASA games. 

b.) Players who are under 18 years cannot participate in our league games due to Federal mandated laws recently established in 2019. c) Each player shall have his/her official pass bearing his/her correct spelling of their name, current contact information (Address, Email, Cell/Phone #), Date of Birth, current color facial photograph, selected team and division. Player registrations that have missing prerequisites (such as photos, contact info, DOB verification etc.) will not be processed and will be considered as incomplete registrations hence will be suspended until satisfied.  

d.) Each player shall have one account or player profile.  

e.) CIASA, Indiana Soccer, or a designated US Soccer member, will process all registration passes and necessary documentation.  

f.) Player Registration fees are as follows:  • Spring Session (Jan to July) = $40.00 (Annual – Valid for 1 fiscal year) • Fall Session (July to December) = $35.00 • Fall I Session Indoor (Oct-Dec) = $30.00 • Winter II Session Indoor (Jan – March) = $40.00 (Annual – Valid for 1 fiscal year)  g) All player passes must be individually laminated prior to games.  Note: The registration fees are subject to change from time to time when the Executive Committee determines it is appropriate. 

Section 7.2 – Over 35, Over 45, and Over 55 Divisions 

a.) ALL Players wishing to participate in the O/35, O/45, and O55 Divisions must verify their date of births to satisfy the age limit policy. This process is completed one time only.  

b.) A player’s date of birth must be of the required age by December 31st of the year in which he/she registers to play in the chosen division involving age limitations.  

c.) The age verification document can be any government-issued ID (even from a foreign government) in the form of an image/photo taken by a cell phone camera. NO Photocopies will be accepted. Alternatively, players/managers can submit this proof to the officer in charge of registrations either in person, email (jpeg file) or via text.  

d.) Failing to comply with this process will result in the player’ pass not issued/processed by Indiana Soccer hence the player will not be able to participate in any CIASA sanctioned games until this prerequisite is satisfied.  


 All teams managers/representatives must register their teams at the season general meeting date or within 14 days from the general meeting date. 

a.) Team Managers/Representatives shall pay the discounted team registration fees of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per season if attending or present at the CIASA general meeting. Team managers/representatives who do not attend the pre-season general meetings will pay the full team registration fee of three hundred and seventy-five dollars ($375.00) per season with no exceptions. New teams will have special rates of two hundred Dollars ($200.00) for initial season. 

b.) Team Managers/Representatives will also be responsible to pay for their outstanding team bond (refundable deposit) balance and to make sure it stays at three hundred and twenty dollars ($320.00).  

c.) Team Managers/Representatives will also select their home field and pay for the field facility fees selected for their four (4) home games with their team registration and bond balance.  

d.) Team fees can be paid by check, cash or PayPal using our link on our website for convenience.  

e.) No team may begin its sanctioned games having not paid its dues and fees by the date set at the meeting or without prior authorization by the CIASA president or executive team.  

f.) Teams dropping out during a sanctioned season will lose all their bond deposit and all their players would not be permitted to participate in CIASA games unless the team balance is satisfied/restored or the executive board would approve. If they do return to CIASA then their bond balance would be priced at nine hundred dollars ($900.00). This bond amount would be forfeited to CIASA should they repeat the same offense again.  

g.) Additions, deletions, or transfers to or from a team roster during the course of the season are permissible provided that all other registration procedures are complied with and CIASA executive officer in charge of registrations is provided with an updated roster and the necessary fees.  

h.) Only those registered players listed on the team's roster with the CIASA are eligible for play unless with authorization from the league.  Note: The fees are subject to change from time to time when the Executive Committee determines it is appropriate. 


Section 9.1 – Setting Up A Bond Account 

a.) All registered CIASA teams must post, set up and maintain a team Bond Account.  

b.) This bond constitutes a guarantee that the team will fulfill its financial obligations to CIASA, referees, and other member teams.  

c.) All team Bond balances are refundable unless the team owes an outstanding balance to CIASA.  

d.) All affiliation fees and Bond balances must be paid by the deadline date set by CIASA preseason to ensure that the next season’s schedule can be accurately completed and that teams are committed to meet their CIASA league obligations.  

e.) Team Bond funds must be posted at the same time as team registrations. If the team owes any negative funds then they must include this difference with their registration fees preseason in order to bring the balance to three hundred and twenty dollars ($320.00).  

f.) Each registered team Bond balance must be three hundred and twenty dollars ($320.00) payable at the beginning of each CIASA season regardless of the division with exception of the recreational 8v8 divisions such as Over 55 division in which the Bond balance shall be one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00).  

g.) Existing and registered teams must maintain their Bond Account balance of three hundred and twenty dollars ($320.00).  

h.) Teams who do not meet the Bond policy deadline date may not be allowed to participate in the new CIASA season’s game schedule.  Note: The amounts are subject to change from time to time when the Executive Committee determines it is appropriate. 

Section 9.2 – Bond Deduction Policy 

A deduction that may affect team bond balances consists of the following: 

a.) Game Forfeits: These include but not limited to - a team no show, team/player suspensions, or an attempt to reschedule before or within 5 days prior to a scheduled game will incur a penalty to pay referees’ fees. Teams who will forfeit games at the 2nd half of the game will also incur the 3-0 game score and will be responsible for the entire game officials' fees unless with discretion and approval of the opponents’ team manager and referees to waive this condition.  

b.) Unpaid Team Registration commitments or Miscellaneous Team & Player Expenses: Any outstanding balances that have not been fully paid by the team manager/representative will be deducted from the team bond by the end of the season.  

c.) Unpaid Field Fees: Any outstanding  field fee balances that were not paid by the teams.

Section 9.3 – Bond Status Policy 

a.) If a team bond has been completely depleted (i.e. $0.00 balance) during a season then CIASA the team would be placed on notice to inject an additional balance of one hundred and sixty dollars ($160.00) into the team bond immediately in order to keep the Bond account active. Failing to do so will result in the team being suspended from any further games until the bond balance has been restored or a payment plan has been agreed upon with CIASA Board of Directors. Further delay in restoring the balance would lead to a 3 point forfeit as well as a possible expulsion from CIASA.  

b.) Any team, who decide to drop out prematurely of CIASA before the end of the scheduled season has ended, shall forfeit their entire team Bond or if the Bond balance has been depleted then a financial penalty will be assessed by CIASA and the Board of Directors. CIASA will readjust the remaining schedule of games for that affected division. Their players will also be suspended from playing in any sanctioned games without CIASA’s approval.  

c.) Any returning teams that have previously dropped out during a sanctioned season will have an assessed Bond of $900 along with any outstanding prior penalty balance in order to participate in CIASA games again.  Note: The amounts are subject to change from time to time when the Executive Committee determines it is appropriate. A charge of ten dollars ($10.00) for any player registration payments that are past due. 


a.) There shall be 2 CIASA General Meetings annually. The first general meeting shall be held in the first quarter of each year (Spring Meeting) on the 1st Sun of March at a time and place to be determined and published by the President or Vice President no later than 14 days in advance of such meeting. The second general meeting shall be held in the third quarter of each year (Fall Meeting) on the 1st Sun of August at a time and place to be determined and published by the President or Vice President no later than 14 days in advance of such meeting.  

b.) Each team in good standing with CIASA shall be entitled to appoint or send one delegate or team representative to the General Meeting.  

c.) The seasonal General Meetings shall have a quorum regardless of the number of teams attended or represented.  


Section 11.1 – Games Guidelines 

a.) All sanctioned games played within CIASA shall be played under the Rules and Regulations of this association. Games sponsored by the Indiana Soccer shall take precedence over games sponsored by this association.  

b.) All CIASA games Rules, Policies, and Guidelines shall be created, published, revised, and implemented by the CIASA executive team only and the Board of Directors shall have no jurisdiction in changing, revising or creating the general rules & policies of the games.  

c.) The CIASA executive team shall consist of the President, Vice President, and Treasurer only.  

Section 11.2 - Notification of Games 

a.) The President or Vice President will publish and distribute the official schedule of games 2 weeks prior to the start of each season or event.  

b.) All team managers shall have the responsibility to notify CIASA of any scheduling errors, game changes, or any possible conflicts immediately after publishing the schedule.  

c.) CIASA will accommodate as many requested changes as possible to the draft-schedule and publish an updated final-schedule within 1 week.

d.) Rescheduling of a game during a season presents particular problems and should only be done with good reason. A lack of players on game day is not an acceptable reason or policy to reschedule a game. All rescheduled games must be rescheduled within fourteen (14) days of the originally scheduled match by CIASA. The opponents’ team must agree to the proposed changes by the hosting team. If the opponents’ team refuses to accept these schedule changes or terms hence the original schedule would stand. If a no show takes place by the offending team then a forfeit will be imposed with the team subject to all game & referee fees.  

e.) Once the final-schedule has been published, then CIASA will only reschedule games further during a season for two reasons: Game Conflicts (concerning availability of fields, referees and/or game kick-off times). Other circumstances may apply or be considered.  Game is cancelled due to weather/field closures or unsafe environment. 

f.) Home games that have not been played by the end of the season such as due to weather conditions or other team forfeits etc., or if CIASA has not been able to reschedule for any legitimate reason, then the team bond accounts shall be credited at the end of the season with the home field fee for that specific game to be used for future games and season.  

g.) Game times will be published in the official game schedule and are subject to the following restrictions: Teams will be allowed 15 minutes grace time after the scheduled game kick-off has passed. If within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled kick-off time, but before the game commences, the referee determines that a team is unable to play due to an insufficient number of eligible players (minimum of 7 players), unsuitable uniforms, inadequate player equipment, or unsuitable field preparation, then the team will forfeit the match. The referee and assistant referees are entitled to their game fees, to be paid in full by the forfeiting team. If neither team is able to satisfy these conditions for play, then each team will pay its half of the referee fees and each receive a forfeit. No match shall commence more than fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled kick-off time unless mutually agreed to by both managers and the officials. Any changes to this rule would be at the discretion of the assigned center referee. The late team would bear the entire referee fees and 3 point awarded for their opponent’s game score. Referees are instructed to turn up 30 min prior to game kick-off times.  Home teams must have its field ready for play at least 30 min prior to game kick-off times.  No game may be postponed by a team without the consent of CIASA and the opponents’ team otherwise it would be considered a forfeit in which the team in question would be responsible for all referees and home-field costs.  Notice must be given of the planned postponement at least 7 business days in advance of game 
time to the opposing team manager and CIASA. In this case the team in question shall only be responsible for half the referee fees.  Violations will mean forfeit of the game (with 3 goal points to the opponents team score). Referees decisions concerning field conditions, weather-related conditions, safety, and elapsed time will be final.  Rescheduled or Postponed games will be rescheduled by CIASA within 1 week from the postponed game date. 

Section 11.3 - Field Responsibilities 

Unless otherwise published in the official schedule the following will apply to all teams: 

a.) Each team will select a home field on which to play its season games (within Central Indiana) and notify CIASA during team registration. 

b.) Each team shall be responsible for any home-field fees during a season/event payable to CIASA in full during team registration at the general meeting. 

c.) Each team will have 4 home games and 4 away games. 

d.) Each team will notify CIASA if it is unable to secure a field for the duration of the season. 

e.) The home team shall be responsible for corner flags and any necessary crowd or spectator controls. 

f.) Field Facilities or designated field caretakers shall be responsible for the maintenance and conditions of the assigned fields. 

g.) CIASA would be responsible for providing a liability policy from USASA for the field facility director prior to securing fields for CIASA sanctioned games. 

h.) The fields may be Turf or Grass surface. 

i.) Field Facilities shall be responsible for the correct and complete marking of the assigned fields, goal nets, and any other maintenance issues. 

j.) All Teams shall respect the field facilities environment and rules by making sure no trash or clothing items are left behind. 

Section 11.4 – Bad Weather 

In the event of threatening weather the following shall apply: The center referee shall have the right to call off or suspend a game if he deems the conditions unplayable.  Any game terminated before the start of the second half is considered suspended and will be rescheduled by CIASA. Referees shall still be entitled to receive their compensation unless a decision has been made and determined by the SRA (State Referee Administrator).  Any game terminated after the start of the second half will be considered completed and recorded as such.  

Section 11.5 – Player Passes  

a.) All Player passes must be printed in color and laminated individually ready to be inspected by the assigned officials prior to each sanctioned CIASA game. As temporary measure, teams can provide a printed color version of the player passes (unlaminated) up until second match of the season.  

b.) If the player does not have valid player pass or have previously not registered then he/she shall not participate in the match. Any ineligible player who participates in sanctioned games would lead to game forfeits.  

c.) If players recently registered with CIASA and their passes have not been processed, then they must produce a copy of the system generated confirmation email, along with any CIASA written approvals to the assigned referees or officials. The players must also verify their identity by providing their picture ID to the referees. The players’ names must be manually added to the Game Card containing team roster. 

Section 11.6 – Team Rosters 

a.) All teams must have a minimum of 7 players to play a match without being declared a forfeit and a maximum of a team roster of 26 players (includes primary and secondary/double rostered players).  

b.) The Game Card roster must be presented to the referees prior to each sanctioned CIASA match kick-off exactly as it appears and WITHOUT ALTERATION to any of the players' names unless they are genuine registered players that have not yet been processed and added to the list.  

c.) Sanctioned Players shirt/jersey numbers may be manually written on the Game Card roster when necessary.  

d.) No player may play or participate on more than one team during the course of his/her registration year unless transferred as provided for.  

e.) Players wishing to change their team affiliation during the course of a season must present their request in writing to CIASA along with a written release from their current team manager. Team managers equally have the authority to drop or dismiss players from their roster with written requests to CIASA.  

f.) Players can be double-rostered as Secondary Players with other teams but from a different division within CIASA and must be subject to any rules and age limitations of the division in question. Players cannot play with different teams within the same division in CIASA.  

g.) Player substitutions during CIASA games shall be unlimited but with consent and direction/approval of the center referee and AR.  

h.) Any player who does not appear on the official printed Game Card roster, or who cannot present a valid player pass prior to entering the game, or who is currently under suspension by CIASA is considered INELIGIBLE.  

i.)  Any team found using an ineligible player will be penalized with the following guidelines: 

  • Players’ names that DO NOT appear in the Game Card roster and have no valid player pass under the team in question, or has not submitted a prior written request to CIASA to be assigned or double rostered to the team in question, then the team will forfeit the game and be responsible for all referee fees. 
  • The player will be subject to further suspensions decided by CIASA and/or the Board of Directors.  
  • The team will forfeit 3 points in favor to the opponents’ team regardless of the score or outcome of the game.  

j) Team managers and/or players can request to double roster with another team in a different division as long as they comply with all our CIASA policies and guidelines such as age limit verification. Double rostered or secondary players shall have separate player passes specifically for the secondary teams. 

k) All team rosters will be frozen by the end of the 4th game of the season (i.e. the week prior to game #5 onwards) for the team and no additions will be permitted unless by written request from team managers and approval by CIASA. CIASA will consider all requests and will only approve additions/changes to team rosters under specific and legitimate circumstances/situations (for example - multiple player injuries, goalkeeper injuries/long term absences etc.)  

Section 11.7 – Team Uniforms

To enhance the image of Soccer in general and CIASA in particular the following shall apply: 

a.) All teams are responsible for providing their own uniforms.  

b.) Teams shall have uniforms consisting of matching jerseys, shorts, and socks.  

c.) Players’ jerseys shall all have a unique permanent numbers on the back.  

d.) No duplicate numbers, no taped or written numbers.  

e.) Teams must provide their chosen uniform colors during team registrations.  

f.) CIASA shall publish the teams home and away jersey colors online.  

g.) In the event of opposing teams having the same color shirt, it is the responsibility of the visiting team to change shirts.  

h.) Players shall be allowed to wear spandex or other non-dangerous supporting material during sanctioned games.  

i.) All players are required to wear shin guards. 

j.) No jewelry and other unsafe item will be permitted to be worn by players during sanctioned games. 

Section 11.8 – Game Scoring and Tie Breakers 

Point standings will be based on the following: • WIN = 3 points • TIE = 1 point • LOSS = 0 points 

a.) A team that is unable or unwilling to play or complete a CIASA game will forfeit the match per referee. In this case the opposing team will be awarded 3 points in the standings and the forfeiting team a score would be “0”. The match will be recorded as a 3-0 win.  

b.) All disputes not covered by CIASA rules and policies will be resolved under Indiana Soccer's tournament rules or the US Soccer affiliated organization CIASA a member of at the time.  

c.) All Crossover games' standings will be added manually to the division standings by CIASA. The final standings will include the Crossover results to determine a division winner. 

d.) In order to determine tiebreakers for CIASA teams, the following criteria will be used in the following order: 1) Head to Head 2) Goal Difference 3) Goals For 4) Goals Against  Section 11.9 – Referees All teams are responsible for the referees’ fee payments. Payments must be paid in cash to the referees prior to the start of the game: a) All CIASA sanctioned games should have 3 referees assigned per game with the exception of the 8v8 recreational games (Over 55 division) and other seasonal events (indoor) then there should be only one (1) or two (2) referees per game.  b) All assigned referees must be present at least 25 min before scheduled games kick-offs.  c) Each sanctioned CIASA team is responsible for paying $80:00 per game to the referees.  d) Total referees’ fees per game is $160:00, with the exception of the recreational divisions or 8v8 then the referee would only receive $60 per match (one referee/game).  

e.) In the event of a forfeit, the referees would receive $160:00 if a team has a no show. CIASA would send the payments to each referee and deduct the payment from the team’s Bond account.  

f.) If a request is received to reschedule or postpone a match within 7-5 days then the team would be charged $100:00 (half the referee fees + Late Rescheduling Admin Fee) and CIASA would deduct from team Bond account.  

g.) Any referee or assistant referee who fails to arrive within ten (10) minutes after the scheduled kick-off time is not entitled to a fee. If a referee has a no show then both teams should deduct the fee ($25 per team) and report it to CIASA and referee assignors.  

h.) Neither team is required to play the game in which the appointed referees have failed to appear.  

i.) CIASA would have 2 referee assignors team per season. They would receive $10:00 per scheduled game by providing a proper invoice.  

j.) All teams’ complaints pertaining to a referee’s performance during a sanctioned match should be reported to CIASA using the Referee Eval form.  

k.) All Referee complaints would be documented and recorded on a spreadsheet. Habitual or repeat offenses 
by the same referee or assignors who may not be following the set referee guidelines, responsibilities, and expectations that have been placed by CIASA, would result in referee suspension indefinitely from CIASA. 

l.) All assigned referees to CIASA, must pass a knowledge test of CIASA guidelines and pass a state mandated fitness test.  

m.) Referees game decisions are all final.  

n.) All referees are responsible for uploading a Game Report, any offenses, and the appropriate game scores within 24 hours after a game-ending.  

o.) In the event of a red card, all referees must provide a supplemental report explaining in detail all the incident events and appropriate information to CIASA and head referee assignor within 24 hours of the incident time & date.  Note: The fees are subject to change from time to time when the Executive Committee determines it is appropriate. 

Section 11.10 – Red Cards and Game Suspensions 

CIASA maintains a record for all Red Card offenses obtained by players/managers during games. All red cards and violent conduct offenses would be subject to team managers as well as players. For all red card offenses issued by game officials or referees as a result of two (2) cautions the following will apply: 

a.) Any player receiving a red card during a CIASA match will automatically be suspended for one (1) game.  

b.) Any player receiving a third (3) red card in the same season will automatically be suspended for two (2) games.  

c.) Any player receiving a total of six (6) red cards in two (2) consecutive seasons, he/she will be automatically be suspended for one (1) year and can only be reinstated with a written request to CIASA and the Board of Directors and a financial bond of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).  

d.) All suspensions in effect at the end of the season will be carried over and served at the start of the following season or when player/manager returns to CIASA.  

e.) Changing teams will not void the suspension.  

f.) Any player receiving a red card during a match who gives a false name or who refuses to leave the field after receiving the red card will automatically be suspended for two (2) games.  

g.) All suspended player must not be present or attend any CIASA game while in suspended status.  

h.) If the next match was forfeited by the team then the one-game suspension will not count until a game is played.  

i.) All suspended players will have a line across their name on the Game Cards.  

j.) A team playing or attempting to play a suspended, unregistered, or otherwise ineligible player without the knowledge of CIASA shall forfeit that game with three (3) points awarded to their opponents’ team and shall incur all referee fees for that game.  

Section 11.11 - Violent Conduct Offenses 

CIASA maintains a record for all Violent Conduct red card offenses obtained by players and/or managers during games. CIASA’s definition of the term "VIOLENT CONDUCT" shall include, but not be limited to the following acts: “Any physical contact or physical attempt with another individual with the INTENT to cause harm, spitting, throwing or propelling projectiles at an individual or verbally threatening bodily injury or death to an individual before, during or after any match sanctioned by the Central Indiana Amateur Soccer Association. The determination of the "INTENT" of the violating individual shall be the discretion of the CIASA Executive Board. The definition of the term "INCIDENT" shall include, but not be limited in any way, to the following act: An isolated event in which a VIOLENT CONDUCT has occurred by one or more members of a CIASA registered team before, during or after a match sanctioned by the CIASA.” For the purposes of this rule, the following will apply: 

a.) Any player receiving a red card for Violent Conduct as officially noted in the Referee’s Report is suspended for the next two (2) games and is subject to additional Executive Board disciplinary action which may include further suspension or dismissal from CIASA.  

b.) Any player or manager or team official that physically attacks game officials or any CIASA officials or staff members shall be subject to immediate expulsion from CIASA indefinitely. Further penalties or fines may apply subject to CIASA and/or the Board of Directors.  

c.) Any player receiving a second violent conduct red card or offense in a season will automatically be suspended for the next three (3) CIASA games. The player would be on notice or final warning.  

d.) Any player receiving a third violent conduct red card offense within two (2) consecutive seasons will automatically be suspended indefinitely from CIASA and may be subject to additional Executive Board disciplinary action or fines.  

e.) Players/Managers receiving two (2) violent conduct red cards in addition to two (2) red cards received as a result of two yellow cautions during or within two (2) consecutive seasons will automatically be suspended for a minimum one (1) year or until further notice.  

f.) All suspensions in effect at the end of the season will be carried over and must be served at the start of the following season.  

g.) Changing teams will not void the suspension.  

h.) In the event of a team brawl or mass confrontation where the referee crew is unable to obtain the facts of each offender then both team captains/managers will be issued at least two red cards and a minimum fine of $100.  

Note: the Board of Directors & CIASA Executive Committee will determine if this disciplinary action is pertinent to a game but these are minimum consequences. Furthermore, the Board of Directors & CIASA Executive Committee shall have the discretion to assess penalties and sanctions in its sole discretion for acts by teams or team members that are not specifically discussed elsewhere in the CIASA Bylaws. 

Section 11.12 – Player/Manager Reinstatement Policy 

a.) Upon the completion of the suspension imposed by the CIASA executive team, the team manager of the suspended individual or player must request a reinstatement in writing to the Board of Directors and CIASA. If the Executive Board and CIASA approve the reinstatement for a suspended individual, then the suspended individual shall be on a two (2) season probationary period and placing a bond of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).  

b.) If the suspended individual is involved in any subsequent INCIDENT of VIOLENT CONDUCT or two (2) red card obtained as a result of two (2) cautions during the probationary period, an automatic lifetime ban shall be imposed on the suspended individual as well as losing their entire bond of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).  

Note: The amounts are subject to change from time to time when the Executive Committee determines it is appropriate. 

Section 11.13 – Appeals Procedures 

CIASA respects the due process. To make sure everyone’s are fairly treated, a team may make a onetime appeal or protest per season of any action taken under these bylaws. All member teams and their players agree that the following procedures are to be employed and are their sole recourse:

a.) The appeal must be sent in writing to the President within forty-eight (48) hours of the initial ruling or incident.  

b.) The appeal letter should state the nature of the appeal and the grounds for such an appeal.  

c.) The President shall review the letter and if there are merits or grounds for such an appeal then Board of Directors shall be summoned and to schedule an urgent meeting to review the appeal at their earliest 
possible convenience.  

d.) All parties involved shall be invited to attend.  

e.) After a review of the incident and any evidence presented by the concerned parties, private deliberations and voting shall be conducted by the Board of Directors and CIASA. 

f.) Disposition of the appeal shall be announced immediately thereafter.  

Note: The Board shall have the power but not the obligation to delay the implementation of any action taken under these Bylaws in the event that a hearing cannot be scheduled before such action was to begin. 


Section 12.1 – General Authority 

a.) The Board of Directors is charged with the governance of all aspects of CIASA when the President or Executive Committee are not available. 

b.) The Board of Directors is responsible for developing and enforcing the bylaws of CIASA, including but not limited to decisions affecting membership status and appeals procedures.  

c.) The Board of Directors may delegate some responsibility for the day to day operations associated with these activities or other volunteer duties.  

d.) The Board of Directors shall have no jurisdiction in amending, creating, or delegating CIASA guidelines, policies, and procedures that are in place without the full approval of the Executive Committee.  

e.) It is empowered to take any and all actions it deems necessary for the good of CIASA unless specifically proscribed elsewhere in these bylaws or in the event that such actions would bring CIASA into conflict affecting its sanctioning status or with either it’s sanctioning bodies Indiana Soccer or USASA.  

Section 12.2 – Board Composition 

a.) All Board of Directors must be unpaid volunteers.  

b.) There shall be a minimum of six (5) and no more than eleven (12) Board of Directors for CIASA, which number may from time to time be increased or decreased by resolution adopted by not less than a majority of the Board of Directors, subject to the limitation that the Board of Directors shall never be reduced to less than three (3) nor increased to more than seventeen (17) Directors.  

c.) There must be a minimum of two (2) External Board members selected by the President. These external members shall not be part of CIASA registered members. They would act as external and neutral advisers for the Board but each will carry one (1) vote.  

d.) All Internal Board members must be part of CIASA registered members (Players or Managers) and shall have a minimum of one (1) vote.  

e.) Any member in good standing of an affiliated team in CIASA is eligible for this Board.  

f.) No registered CIASA team members (Manager or Player) may have more than one (1) member as part of the Board of Directors.  

g.) Board of Directors should provide their names to the President. The President will announce the list of potential names received to all teams present at the GM or via email in order to be considered.  

h.) The members of the Board of Directors should be elected or voted for this role by the affiliated team managers, or team representatives or captains at the general meeting. This is done during the General Meeting period.  

i.) The potential candidates for the Board of Director must receive a minimum of one (1) vote from a team manager/captain and a minimum of one (1) from existing board of director vote to be considered eligible.  

j.) Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of 5 years and can be re-elected thereafter for another 5 years. However, maximum period to serve as member of the Board of Directors should not be more than 10 years unless the Board authorizes further extension of the rules.  

k.) Members of the CIASA Executive Committee team cannot be considered as members of the Board of Directors unless they step down from their existing duties.  

l.) Any person who is charged with a criminal act shall be suspended from the Board of Directors duties pending outcome of the charges.  m) Any person missing three (4) consecutive regularly scheduled Board meetings or fifty percent (50%) of regularly scheduled Board meetings in any preceding twelve (12) months shall be deemed to have immediately resigned as a member of the Board. Furthermore, the Board may remove or dismiss from office any appointed or elected member of the Board for reasonable cause by due process followed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws.  

Section 12.3 – Board Meetings 

a.) The Board shall hold regular meetings at least once quarterly. 

b.) The President shall determine the date, time, and location to facilitate these meetings and give reasonable notice of the meetings. Reasonable notice as it relates to “regular meetings” shall mean not less than seven (7) business days. Such notice shall include but not limited to the agenda of the meeting. 

c.) Meetings for a special purpose may be called by the President. A minimum forty eight (48) hours’ notice of meetings for a special purpose shall be given and this notice shall state the purpose. Minutes of all meetings shall be maintained if required or via email communications in the CIASA records for future reference. 

Section 12.4 - Quorum and Voting Policy 

a.) Each member of the Board (External & Internal) shall have one (1) vote.  

b.) President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall have one (1) vote.  

c.) A majority vote of the Board members present shall be required for any action of the Board, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.  

d.) In order for a Board decision to be valid then two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board has to be present at a meeting. Therefore a quorum, consisting of minimum of six (3) members of the Board, must be present at all times during Board meetings in order to conduct business.  


a.) CIASA Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, and the Treasurer. 

b.) The Executive Committee shall be residents of Indiana, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.  

c.) All CIASA Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of 2 years unless the term is extended by the Board of Directors.  


The Officers of CIASA shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Marketing & Operations Director, Event Director, IT/Web Specialist, Games Coordinator/Scheduler, and Fundraising/Business Development Director. 

1.) All CIASA Officers shall be elected by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. Other volunteers or interns may be appointed by the President for other seasonal duties.  

2.) All CIASA Officers shall be residents of Indiana, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.  

3.) Election of the President shall be done in even-numbered years and of the Vice President and Treasurer in odd-numbered years.  Note: In the absence of the Board of Directors the Executive Committee shall determine all actions pertaining to CIASA and its bylaws until a Board of Directors have been established. 

Section 14.1 – President 

The President shall be the principal executive officer of the association and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of CIASA including the appointment of CIASA Officers. The duties shall include but not limited to the following: 

a.) The President shall supervise, coordinate, and direct all activities of CIASA, its Officers, and the Board of Directors.  

b.) He/she shall preside at all meetings of CIASA and of its Executive Directors.  

c.) He/she shall have the full power to vote for CIASA in any meetings with other organizations.  

d.) He/she shall have one (1) vote within the Board of Directors.  

e.) He/she shall sign fund disbursements made in the name of CIASA to the Treasurer.  

f.) He/she shall perform all other duties as deemed necessary to promote and uphold the welfare of adult 
soccer and to positively affect "the good of the game" within the State of Indiana.  

g.) He/she shall oversee all communications between CIASA and its Members to ensure that all are kept informed of the activities, initiatives, and operations of the association.  

h.) He/she shall maintain the official records of CIASA.  

i) He/she shall be directly involved in all operational and strategic planning processes focused on growth and brand recognition for CIASA.  

j.) He/she shall be involved in all conflict resolutions.  k) He/she shall be responsible in building and cultivating relationships with other business partners and attracting strategic CIASA alliances.  l) He/she shall perform other duties deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.  

Section 14.2 – Vice President 

a.) The Vice President shall assist the President and the other executive officers in the discharge of their duties.  

b.) He/she shall perform and assume all duties incumbent upon the President in the event of the absence, resignation, or disability of the President. 

c.) He/she shall be responsible for current or long-range projects approved by the president and goals for the betterment and growth of CIASA.

d.) He/she shall have 1 vote within the Board of Directors.  

e.) He/she shall be responsible for all the player's and teams’ registration processes and guidelines. He/she shall also ensure the confidentiality of players’ information.  

f.) He/she shall assist the President in revising or creating any necessary CIASA policies or guidelines.  

Section 14.3 – Treasurer 

a.) The Treasurer shall be the legal custodian of all finances and properties of CIASA.  

b.) He/she shall keep complete, current, and accurate records showing the financial condition of CIASA at all times.  

c.) He/she should create and prepare a workable annual budget.  

d.) He/she shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all revenue and financial accounts of CIASA.  

e.) He/she shall oversee the collection of all dues and fees, shall have charge of all monies, and pay all bills due to CIASA with disbursement requests from the President or Vice President.  

f.) He/she shall maintain checking and savings accounts in a reputable bank in the name of the Central Indiana Amateur Soccer Association. Amounts over two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) will require signature authority from both the President and the Treasurer.  

g.) He/she shall maintain a detailed daily/weekly ledger of all income and expenditures of CIASA.  

h.) He/she should receive and reconcile the bank statements  

i.) He/she shall be responsible for the investment of CIASA’s cash and escrow bond reserves.  

j.) He/she shall present whenever requested by the Board of Directors, President, and/or Vice President, the 
financial statement and shall prepare a detailed statement for all General Meetings.  

k.) He/she shall have 1 vote within the Board of Directors.  

Section 14.4 - Marketing & Operations Director 

a.) He/she shall develop and implement a marketing plan to promote CIASA and its brand.  

b.) He/she shall be responsible for the creation of flyers and logos for our brand and proposed events.  

c.) He/she shall be responsible for maintaining communications between CIASA and the Media including, but not limited to and information on upcoming CIASA or partners’ events.  

d.) He/she shall correlate with local entities and soccer communities to coordinate publicity, marketing, and advertising initiatives to promote any and all CIASA events as specified by the president and/or the Board of Director.  

e.) He/she shall assist the President and the Vice President in any operational duties deemed necessary. 

Section 14.5 – Event Director 

a.) He/she shall be the contact person for players and teams for creating and coordinating competitive soccer programs for CIASA.  

b.) He/she shall be responsible for all event Planning & Communications.  

c.) He/she shall be responsible for all event Execution and implementation.  

d.) He/she shall be responsible for all event Budgeting & Sponsorship.  

e.) He/she shall be responsible for all event evaluation & reporting  

f.) Other responsibilities to be determined as-needed basis by the President or Vice President. 

Section 14.6 – IT/Web Support Specialist 

a.) He/she shall maintain CIASA website and software updates periodically.  

bl) He/she shall analyze web system issues and provide resolutions.  

cl) He/she shall recommend any process improvements or upgrades to ensure website system reliability, scalability, security, 
integrity and performance.  

Section 14.7 - Games Coordinator/Scheduler 

a.) He/she shall be responsible for scheduling and rescheduling games for teams.  

b.) He/she would coordinate with team managers, referee assignors, and field facilities to facilitate game scheduling for CIASA.  

c.) He/she shall notify teams, field facility administrators and referees assignors of any field closures due to weather or any other reasons.  

d.) He/she shall be responsible for making sure all schedules are published online to all CIASA teams.  

e.) He/she shall resolve any scheduling conflicts and accommodate team managers’ requests whenever possible or feasible.  

Section 14.8 - Fundraising/Business Development Director 

a) The Fundraising Director shall research and determine feasibility on possible fundraising projects, and shall inform/advise the Board of Directors and President as to specific recommendations.  b) He/she shall implement, manage, and coordinate any fundraising, sponsorship, and advertising, activities chosen by the President and the Board of Directors to participate in. This function shall include responsibility for any other endeavors that may generate funds for CIASA.  c) He/she shall be responsible for the management and execution of existing Sponsorship, Fundraising initiatives and Community Outreach plans.  d) He/she shall revise or create sponsorship and advertising packages that would promote fundraising initiatives for CIASA.  e) He/she shall be involved in prospecting, soliciting, negotiating and closing potential opportunities for CIASA.  f) He/she shall cultivate volunteer engagement in fundraising initiatives and fostering a greater sense of community for CIASA.  ARTICLE 15 – AMENDMENTS OF THE BYLAWS  All proposals for changes to these Bylaws shall be made in writing to the President not less than thirty days (30) in advance of the General Meeting. 16 | P a g e a) Only teams and team managers in good standing may propose a change to the Bylaws. b) All proposals for changes shall be presented as a new business during the course of the General Meeting. c) Notice of any proposed Bylaw amendment must be given to the CIASA members at least thirty (30) days prior to any meeting of the Board of Directors to consider such proposed amendment. In order to adopt the proposed Bylaw, two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast at the said meeting must vote in favor of the proposed modifications. 


a.) Any and all assets of CIASA are permanently dedicated to exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provisions of future laws). 

b.) CIASA shall not be operated for pecuniary profit and shall have no capital stock and shall make no distribution of dividends to its members, directors, officers or persons having a private interest in the activities of CIASA, except that CIASA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these Bylaws. Although all Board and Executive Committee members are volunteers, the Presidents and the Board of Directors may elect to have a stipend (financial compensations) for those performing operational duties. 

c.) CIASA shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution or statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. 

d.) CIASA shall not be managed or owned by a private or public for profit entity of any kind. 


In the event CIASA is dissolved, the President and the Board of Directors shall pay, satisfy and discharge all liabilities and obligations of CIASA or make adequate provisions therefore and distribute all remaining assets of CIASA to an organization or organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of CIASA and organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at that time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provisions of future laws).