CIASA Outdoor Soccer

For outdoor soccer, we offer an 8-game season in Spring (mid-April to June) and Fall (mid-Aug to Oct). All players must be at least 18 years old to play. We currently host games on grass fields at Zionsville (ZYSA) or on the artificial turf field at Cardinal Ritter High School. Each team manager determines their home field preference which we try to accommodate depending on field availability. All players must register to play and shin guards are required in all divisions.

We currently offer three Divisions:

  • Premier - our most competitive division. Standard IFAB/FIFA rules apply with full 90-minute games and a three ref system but with unlimited subs during play stoppages. Teams are organized by a team manager who must also provide team jerseys and each player on the team must wear a unique jersey number.
  • Over 40 - our competitive division for O40 players (must turn 40 within the same calendar year). Age verification is enforced during the player registration process. Standard IFAB/FIFA rules apply with full 90-minute games and a three ref system. However, slide tackling is not allowed. Substitutions are unlimited and on-the-fly at midfield. Teams are organized by a team manager who must also provide team jerseys and each player on the team must wear a unique jersey number.
  • Veterans - our recreational division is generally reserved for O50 players but age verification is not strictly enforced. All games are played at Zionsville (ZYSA) on grass fields. Players are typically divided up into O50 and O60 teams but we also consider fitness and skill levels when making teams. Players register individually into this division and then the division coordinator determines roster placement each week based on actual attendance. Games are 80-minutes and are typically 11v11 unless turnout is low and then we'll go 9v9 on a smaller field. We use a single referee in this division so there is no offside rule enforced unless it is clearly offsides. Substitutions are unlimited and on-the-fly at midfield. Slide tackling is not allowed. Jerseys are provided to each player for an additional fee but unique jersey numbers are not required. 

Potential Team Managers: If you are a looking to register a team in our Premier or Over 40 division, use the Contact Us form so we can connect with you to answer your questions and get you started. Or if you are ready to register your team, use the Team Registration form to get started (during the open enrollment period).

Potential Players: If you are a player looking for a team, use the Free Agent Request form and someone will contact you with more information.